The Best Belle Lookalike in London

Beauty & the Beast was the first ever Disney movie Princess Christina saw as a child and it has ever since been her favourite. At Secondary school, everyone used to tell Christina that she not only looked like Belle but sounded like her too when they heard her sing ‘Little Town’ on stage at her school production. Since then, Christina has impersonated Belle throughout her life!

When she became a teacher, the kids would demand that she dressed up as their favourite yellow-dressed Princess for World Book Day, duetted ‘Something There’ with a successful YouTuber, danced a Viennese Waltz at The Royal Gala Ball to the song Beauty & the Beast, was asked by a production company to reproduce the Belle Reprise as well as passed a Westend audition for the part as Belle and… can “finally” be Belle at Snow Princess Parties!

“Belle makes me so happy. I’ve always admired her calm personality and beautiful voice so try to listen over and over to her voice until I sound just like her. I love bringing a bit of Beauty & the Beast enchantment into children’s parties. It’s the best part of the job.”

Beauty & the Beast Dance

“Belle Reprise” Remake

Little Town Remake from Beauty & the Beast

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